This race was mostly about checking off the state. I didn't do any race specific training from Revel Rockies until this race, and in fact, the two weeks prior to the race spent mostly in the Yukon, I didn't do much running at all. Also, there one one really tough hike about a week before the race that left my legs pretty sore, and I'm sure that robbed me of at least a few minutes off my finishing time.
This race is fairly scenic, although the start and finish aren't. Most of the course is run along a little travelled highway through sitka spruce forest. The course is very rolling/hilly in the first 9 miles, flattens out as you run right along the bay for about 3.5 miles, then uphill to the turn around,
downhill a half mile, flat again, then hilly for the last 9 miles. Their race website says the course is a "lot like Boston", but I'd say its a lot more like New York, but with more hills. Its not a grueling course, and its nice running in cool weather in July, but its far from an easy course.
I went into the race think that I'd just try to run a sub-3 marathon, but I found that was not going to be on the table somewhere in the first 9 miles or so. No worries, it was just about picking up the state. I was running in 3rd for most of the first 5-6 miles, got passed, but the guy that passed me faded after about mile 18 and I moved back into 3rd where I finished. Not at all displeased with a 3:05:55 finish.
Gear Check:
Shoes: I ran in Altra Escalantes, size 10.5. Best shoe I've ever owned.
Shorts: I ran in white 2.5" split shorts from Tracksmith, incredibly comfortable fabric.
Shirt: I wore a mostly blue wave/surf design singlet from InknBurn.
Socks: Injinji OTC 2 Compression socks.
Fuel: I carried 5x Apple/Cinnamon Hammer Gels and planned on taking one at mile 5, 10, 13, 16, and 20. I took water and PowerAde from alternating aid stations. However, I had 4 of the gels in my shorts pocket, but the 5th was in the top of my sock and I never managed to get it out to take it.
Hat: I ran in my headsweats MarathonManiacs visor.
Glasses: My Oakely Flak Jackets with red Prism running lenses. Overcast for most of the race, I didn't wear them except for the last couple of miles.
Watch: Garmin 920XT with tri HRM.
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