Given that I had run a hundo at the end of September, I didn't feel like that I was up to trying to PR at the full and decided to reserve the PR attempt for Tucson Marathon in December. So I went out to run the half at M2M, basically as a slightly longer than normal tempo run. Not much to say about this race - I ran it a bit slower than I had hoped but led the race from start to finish and won the race by over a minute. Had I actually tapered, I might have run a faster race, but it was a fun and successful effort overall. Oh yeah, finally got that 1st place M2M belt buckle LOL.
Gear Check:
Shoes: I ran in Altra Escalantes, size 10.5. Best shoe I've ever owned.
Shorts: I ran in 7" half tights from Tracksmith. Chaffed a little bit - need to add some dri-fit underwear when I wear these.
Shirt: I wore a my old black Rock-n-roll tank from InkNBurn.
Socks: Injinji OTC 2 Compression socks.
Fuel: it was a half - no fueling necessary . . . I took some water or gatorade (don't recall which) at one of the aid stations about mile 10.
Hat: I wore my old cotton M2M hat. Sweated through it pretty well, but that's ok - I bought a new one before the race.
Glasses: My Oakely Flak Jackets with red Prism running lenses
Watch: Garmin 920XT with tri HRM.
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