50 States Marathon Maps
As of 7/29/18 - Juneau Marathon, Juneau, AK
As of 6/3/18 - Revel Rockies Marathon, Denver, CO
As of 1/28/18 - Big Beach Marathon, Gulf Shores, AL
As of 11/5/2017 - NYC Marathon, NY
As of
6/11/17 - Light at the End of the Tunnel Marathon, WA
As of 10/9/16 - Chicago Marathon, IL
As of 7/9/2017 - Devil's Lake Marathon, WI
As of 6/25/2017 - Charlevoix Marathon, MI
As of 5/29/2017 - Vermont City Marathon, VT
As of 3/20/2016 - Arbuckles to Aardmore Marathon, OK
As of 2/13/2016 - Mississippi River Marathon, AR
As of 12/6/2016 - Tucson Marathon, AZ . . . this is when I started mapping out my states