I decided that I wanted to try and run a fast (PR) 10K as a plus-pace tempo run sometime this fall between M2M and Tucson. The calendar had Del Rio's Running with the Bulls on the 14th and SWTJC/Uvalde Turkey Trot on 11/22. Since my plan called for a 16 miler on the 22nd, I signed up for Running with the Bulls.
I got to Del Rio around 8 am, about 30 minutes before the supposed start time. After I got my bib, there didn't seem enough time for a proper warm up, so I got to the starting line. Despite the race directors asking folks to line up with "faster runners in front", there were quite a few obviously slower runners (kids, less fit-looking folks, etc) that lined up right in front LOL. Then they left us standing around for about 45 minutes, apparently because Del Rio PD hadn't reported in to their assigned positions. So we finally got started around 9:00 - standing around for 30 minutes in a 50 degree chill left my legs a little chilled - no big deal in a marathon where there's time to warm up, but kind of a pain in a 10K where I intend run the whole thing fast. At the gun, a group of us faster runners dodged around the slower runners. One guy that passed me was wearing the 10K race shirt and he looked to be in my age group, but I was already running a bit faster than my planned race time, so I let him go. At the time, I didn't know how many 10K runners were in front of me until the 5K runners split off - looking ahead, there was only the 1 guy up ther on the 10K course, and I looked to be gaining on him. However, after running a bit faster than my target pace for the first 4 miles, I was beginning to fade and I never caught up with him. I got passed myself by a 20 something guy at about mile 5 but held on for third place, 2nd in my age group. I was disappointed to see my official race time at 40:06, but checking my watch the course appeared to be 6.42 miles instead of 6.2. Splitting the last 0.42 mile's time split in half, I calculated my finishing time at 38:45 and a 6:15 pace, which is a new 10K PR by about 45 seconds.
I don't run very many short/local races, so I don't have much of a standard of comparison, but I wasn't much impressed with this event - the late start was compounded by the new course not being on any of thier advertisements or facebook page before the race; the awards ceremony was really delayed (it was chip-timed, how complicated is it?); and there was one turn late on the 10K that was poorly marked and several runners ran off course (I didn't, because I could see the runner in front of me, and he could see the lead guy chasing the pacer on bicycle).
Gear Check:
Shoes: I ran in Merrel Bare Access 4s, size 10.5. Some subtle changes in the soles of the shoes have made these a little less durable than the Bare Access 3s, but they feel pretty much the same on my feet.
Shorts: I ran in 2.5” split shorts from Adidas - blue stripes.
Shirt: I wore my "Run Wild Missoula" Tank from Sugoi that I picked up a couple of years ago when I ran the Missoula Marathon.
Hydration: No water stops.
Socks: Injinji medium weight no-show toe socks.
Fuel: No fueling.
Hat: Marathon Maniacs classic hat.
Glasses: With complete overcast, I didn't wear glasses.
Watch: Garmin 610. No problems.
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