TIME: 3:37:10 --------- AVG PACE: 8:17 -------- OVERALL: 29th/206 ------- OVERALL Female: 4th/83 ------- AG 40-44F: 1st/13
9th Marathon ----------- 6th State
What can I say? It was a beautiful day for a run. I was rested for the most part and carb loaded. My legs felt refreshed and I was ready to go. Itching for PR and more bling. I had a goal time of 3:35 (8:17 average pace) I ended up with more than expected.
The race starts in Lake Village, AR on an oxbow lake, Lake Chico, and ends in Greenville, MS (About ½ in Arkansas and ½ in Mississippi). At the start they had large fires to keep the runners warm while we waited for the start time and one last chance for the port o’ potties. The course had an aid/water station at about every mile. Don’t look at the water if you drink it though. It’s mostly clear, but they don’t call it the “Muddy River” for nothing. You find the same color coming out of the tap at the EconLodge too. The course had very few turns and aligned the whole way with cones. If you got lost on this course, it was your own fault.
It was a beautiful morning with temperatures starting at 33 degrees at the beginning of the race and about 55 at the end of the race and a nice cool breeze to keep the quads nice and cool. Because I’m so easily cold, I wore long tights and two thin long sleeves. I never got overheated. I picked the clothing just right. The only thing I removed were gloves and my ear warmers.
Right off, I noticed the mile markers were off by more than what I’d call normal. But a course is a course of course. I usually like to start off slow and build up speed in the first 5 miles. I went out a little faster than I normally do, but I felt great. I ran an 8:30, 8:30, 8:24, 8:17, and 8:17. Then it was time to pick it up.
By the 6th mile, we were onto the main highway running along plowed fields. They gave us plenty of room to run and keep us safe from traffic (which by the way, was not bad.) This section of the highway leads us to the only hill on the course (a bridge over the Mississippi). My next 6 miles were a bit fast. 8:04, 7:59, 8:06, 8:02, 8:01, 8:05. By mile 12, I finally ran an 8:12 and then 8:10 for mile 13.
The next 2 miles were over the Mississippi River. I usually just run hills by feel. I was surprised I didn’t drop that much. Mile 14 and 15, 8:20 and 8:17.
After the bridge, there is a 5 mi stretch of the highway that is straight as an arrow. 8:03, 8:04, 8:12, 8:11, 8:11.
After the race, I hydrated and fueled with Gatorade, water, and cheap ice cold beer and a Shipley’s Donut!!! After a little stretching I caught up with my husband and he missed breaking 3:00. I ran my fastest ever by 6 minutes, running 3:37.
I checked in at the awards stand and found out I got 4th overall woman. WHAT!? And again, I WON A CASH PRIZE.’ Mommas getting a new pair of shoes! I only expected to get something like $50 instead it was $200! Mommas getting 2 pair of shoes!!!
IT was a great race to spend on Valentine’s Day with my hubby. Better than waiting in line at overrated restaurants. And instead of mommy getting a new pair of shoes. I bought myself and my hubby a Valentine’s gift from INK N BURN.
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