Terry & Diana's
Photography and More


Costa Rica 2008


The purpose of this trip was to survey the Amphibians and Reptiles of Kekoldi Indigenous Reserve in the southeastern part of Limon Province. It was an excellent place to work and the people there were wonderful. I not only photographed all of the herps we found, but also got to bird watch and enjoy the company of those who helped with the project. I did bring home an unwanted guest though. Check out the links for more information about the area we surveyed.

http://www.ateccr.org/index.php/tours/description/kekoldi_indigenous_reserve/ (tourist link)

http://www.kekoldi.org (sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, It may have to do with donations to keep the site going????




Northeast of San Jose
On our way to the preserve.
Being dropped off at the trail head to the lodge.
Getting our stuff together for trip up to the lodge.
The trails are steep and muddy. It was hard to get traction.
I made one trip up with my stuff. It was one of the hardest hikes I had ever done. Some of the youngsters made two trips helping care stuff up.
The lodge. Constructed from hand cut timber from the forest.
The lodge.
Our living quarters.
Panama from the hawk tower.
Caribbean coast from the hawk tower.
Me on the hawk tower.
Our group plus Sabastan, his wife and three of his kids.
Playing card with the kids.
Looking for reptiles and amphibians.
Seeing what we could find at the water fall.
Sebastan showing how to process chocolate from the beans.
After roasting, grinding the beans.
Making hot chocolate from the freshly ground beans.
It was too bitter for me.
So, what did we observe on this trip.
Archimandrita tesselata A very large cockroach. Looked like a bat flying into the lodge.
Copiphora hastata Cone Headed Katydid
Unusual katydid
Mating long-horned beetles
Autochton longipennis Spike banded-skipper
Chlosyne gaudealis Gaudy Patch
Colobura dirce Dirce Beauty
Euptychia westwoodi Popular Satyr
Heliconius erato Erato Longwing
Heliconius erato Erato Longwing
Opsiphanes invirae Lowland Owlet
Scada zibia Zibia Clearwing
Argia adamsi
Argia cupraurea
Argia cupraurea
Epigomphus sp
Hetaerina fuscoguttata
Heteragrion erythrogastrum
Protoneura sulfurata
Uracis fastigiata
Megaloprepus caerulatus
Large spider (wolf spider type)
Phrynus sp. Tailless Whip Scorpion

A lot of butterflies were seen but few could be photographed. The same was true with the birds.


Velvet Worm
Boat-billed flycatcher
Collared Aracari
Slaty-tailed trogon
Slaty-tailed trogon
Red-tailed Squirrel
Mexican Hairy Porcupine
A good variety of reptiles and amphibians were found.
Bufo coniferus
Colostethus flotator
Colostethus talamancae
Dendrobates auratus
Dendrobates auratus
Dendrobates pumilio
Eleutherodactylus cerasinus
Eleutherodactylus diastema
Eleutherodactylus gaigeae
Eleutherodactylus gollmeri
Eleutherodactylus megacephalus
Eleutherodactylus megacephalus
Eleutherodactylus polyptychus
Eleutherodactylus talamancae
Leptadactylus pentadactylus
Hylalinobatrachium valerioi
Hylalinobatrachium valerioi in amplexus
Phyllobates lugubris
Smilisca phaeota
Smilisca phaeota
Smilisca sordida
Smilisca sordida
Rhinoclemmys funerea The only turtle observed on the trip.
Ameiva festiva
Ameiva festiva
Corytophanes cristatus
Corytophanes cristatus
Basilicus vittatus
Diploglossus bilobatus
Diploglossus monotropis
Diploglossus monotropis
Gonatodes albogularis
Lepidoblepharis xanthostigma
Norops biporcatus
Norops capito
Norops humilis
Norops humilis
Norops lemurinus
Norops limifrons
Norops oxylophus
Norops oxylophus
Ptycoglossus plicatus
Sphenomorpha cherriei
Thecodactylus rapicauda
Bothrops asper
Bothrops asper
Boa constrictor
Boa constrictor
Clelia clelia
Clelia clelia
Geophis hoffmanii
Hydromorphus concolor
Imatodes cenchoa
Imatodes cenchoa
Lachesis stenophrys Bushmaster
Lachesis stenophrys Bushmaster
Micrurus alleni
Oxybelis aenus
Oxybelis aenus
Oxybelis brevirostris
Oxybelis brevirostris
Oxyrhopus petolarius
Porthidum nasutum
Porthidum nasutum
Porthidum nasutum
Sibon annulatus
Sibon annulatus
Trimetopon slevini
Trimetopon slevini
Trimetopon slevini
Xenodon rabdocephalus
Bringing all the stuff back down the hill and waiting for our ride back to San Jose.
One last photo session before heading back.
After being home for a couple of weeks, I noticed a small sore on my cheek. It turned out to be Leishmaniasis. This was not something I wanted to bring home. I didn't get rid of it until late May. If you do not know anything about this disease, check it out on the CDC website. At least 7 of us got this disease. The treatment is not fun.