Terry & Diana's
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Census counts are periodic surveys and inventories to determine the number, composition, or other relevent information about a wildlife population to measure if the current wildlife management practices are serving the targeted species.
Map showing major routes and stations in 2009. This year I have moved station #2 to top of the hill.
Census counts are performed for the purpose to collect data on: harvest (on years that we harvest anything); endangered, threatened or protected wildlife; and nongame wildlife species. Types of surveys include: standardized incidental observations (all species), bird breeding, bird transects, time/area counts, and point counts. The results of these surveys can be used to evaluate management practices, estimate species numbers, population trends, and density. Checklists are important to determine what is found on the property and how and what needs to be done. One survey that I have added is a plant list. Plants are indicators of the shape and quality of a piece of property. See my property lists under CENSUS RESULTS.